New Mouse

We know that all computers,notebooks have an external device called MOUSE for selecting,opening...other stuff.And the mouse may be the touchpad of your notebook or the external USB mouse.

However it is a mouse isn't.But have you ever felt discomfort of your mouse  and keyboard by putting your hands on the laptop or keyboard,mouse.Like dragging it,adjusting,finger stress...etc don't you?.

Yeah definitely it is yes for me because i felt hard about that,may be you too.

So to avoid all these discomforts Celluon have released a new technology computer mouse that's gonna change many of our lives in the present computer world.It is called as EVO MOUSE.It works as a gesture/wireless mouse.
To use this you have do the normal operations as we do like on the general mouse.It look like this....


Put your fingers infront of the mouse and do the operations as similar to the old ones like TAP infront of the mouse to select a file,DOUBLETAP  to open the file,put left finger and click with right to perform Right click...and many other things.
They are..