Make Your Computer to login with your Face [Face Recognition Password]

We all protect our computers by putting a password for it.But there is a possibility that it may be known to a person who is well in doing tricks,not a big task for him to do it. Isn't ?
So today you will go a step ahead in protecting your computer from others by doing an extra task called FACE RECOGNITION in windows.Yes it is a great idea to put a face recognition password for your computer.So that only a single user can use it whose facial marks are known to your computer.

HOW ? 

Well you can do this by installing a software that supports this face recognition facility.There may be many softwares that support this but the one that i tried and using and working great is LUXAND BLINK software.

So get this software from Internet and install it to your computer and follow its instructions,there is also a new version of software now called luxand pro that you can download it for free.And then restart it and give it a try if you do not believe.

One more thing is do not put a password if you want to use face recognition because you want a full security for your system,so if you put the password there is no meaning for face recognition.Well in the beginning to get used to it you put password along with Face recognition so you can open your computer without FR.

And if you think that your computer is safe from others do not use it however its your wish.But it is a good software to open your computer without touching your computer,and a great technology that make your computer open only if your facial marks matches its pre-taken marks [while you install the software].

So you got the point right.So the softwares are Luxand,keylemon which are considered to be the best so far from its users.

Hope this helped you.