ChromeCast made easy

Nowadays who don't have a laptop or a mobile phone,all of us not only use these things for specific work but they are involved in many things but one thing that comes in common with a general gadget is for "Entertainment".

We all use youtube for watching videos but with what device;it may be your laptop,mobile phone,Desktop Computer. 
                What if your whole family wants to watch the videos that are from internet based on your choice,which you cannot do it on TV and can only see what comes in different channels.But now there is a new gadget that can make your will true.Google called it as "CHROMECAST".

Google released a gadget called Chromecast which allow you to stream your desired content on your big HDTV.So now you can watch directly what ever you want to watch on your tv.


Then how it works,it works on WiFi,it uses any device with internet connectivity as a remote so that you can select what you want to view on your TV.Like you want to watch youtube just go to youtube select a video that's it.So once you select your content its done,content directly appears on your TV.

  • But one limiting factor of Chromecast is you can watch content only from Youtube,Google Play,Netflix.
  • It can also multitask like checking your mails,twitter...etc sites.

It is available in the market at present at a cost of 30$ which is most affordable price that anyone can buy.